BG3 Where to find the missing letters for the Post Office
Letters are the lifeblood of any city, and in Baldur's Gate 3, more and more messages have been going missing!
Around the South Span Gate in Baldur's Gate 3, you find one of the pillars of any thriving city: the post office. Head inside the Sword Coast Couriers and you’re asked to track down a sackload of missing letters, but it’s not immediately clear where you’re supposed to look.
Inside the Sword Coast Couriers, speak to Danzo. If you picked them up from the unfortunate courier you found outside the Blighted Village in Act 1 - the place where you find the Necromancy of Thay - you can hand them over to Danzo.
After that introduction, he tells you that his carrier pigeons and the letters they’ve been carrying have been going missing.
If you pass a perception check, you can weasel out that there’s some important personal correspondence mixed in with the mailbag that Danzo needs. But either way, agree to look around and see if anything turns up.
Outside in the kennels, mention that you’re Scratch’s dog parent to the handler - if you let him into your camp, of course - and they will want to see him.
When he arrives, Scratch is much less pleased and Mar’hyah will try and take him back from you, but, obviously that’s not going to happen. You will need to pass an intimidation check to keep him without violence. But afterwards, you can get another intimidation or deception check to sort out the horrible kennel keeper, and do a good deed for the four-legged friends still working for the Couriers.
Where to find the missing letters
After the diversion with Scratch, to get the missing letters you need to find a way up onto the roof of the Open Hand temple opposite the post office.
The easiest way is with Misty Step, which you should have plenty of ways to do by now, or use a character who can fly or buff themselves with an advanced jump. Githyanki can do this, as can Warlocks, or you can use a Druid’s shape change to turn into a bird and flap your way up there.

Before you make your way up onto the roof though, you should also have a way to speak to animals, either via a potion or a skill. Don’t worry about getting everyone in your party up on the roof, however - one person will suffice.
When you’re on the roof and able to speak to animals, make your way towards the bell tower at the back of the building and speak to the Tressym guarding its nest.
When you start the conversation, a perception check will clue you in that it’s sat on top of a stack of letters, a shiny ring, and that the area is strewn with feathers.
Not one to play coy by nature, the Tressym won’t deny eating the poor pigeons when you accuse them.

To convince the Tressym to give over the letters willingly, you can give them some Beholder meat - their favourite - if you’ve got any of that. You’ve likely encountered a few in the game up to this point, when dealing with the iron flask, or on the way to Grymforge, for instance.
If you’ve got some, hand it over, otherwise talk the winged cat around with an intimidation, persuasion, or perception check.
With that it flies away and you can collect the missing letters.
Should you read the missing letters?
Obviously, Danzo told you not to look at the confidential letters, but if you take a peek you find out that Danzo is wrapped up with the aforementioned Iron Flask you fetched for the Zhentarim earlier.
Go back to him and hand over the letters for a reward if you just want to play things on the level. Otherwise, you can tell him you know about the smugglers if you want to engage in some illicit extortion.
He’ll offer you a bribe to give the letter back and keep schtum if you hold it over him, and you can squeeze him for more with a speech check. However, if you keep the letter as blackmail you get nothing.
Whatever your choice, that completes the post office’s quest with money and XP as your ultimate reward!