BG3 Investigate the suspicious toys and fireworks quest guide
As you pass through Rivington in Baldur's Gate 3, you uncover a plot involving suspicious toys and fireworks!
In the latter half of Baldur's Gate 3, as you enter the outskirts of the city of Baldur’s Gate at the start of Act 3, your journey towards defeating the Absolute is far from finished. Just one of the many interconnected side quests you have yet to discover sees you investigate the suspicious toys and fireworks coming out of Arfur Gregorio’s workshop.
At the front of Rivington, you walk into a commotion outside a house. Ben Golewits is telling Arfur Gregorio to leave his family alone, whereas the latter maintains the building is his house.
Should you side with Arfur Gregorio or Ben Golewits?
An insight check tells you that there’s more to the situation than Arfur is letting on. This means the “good” option is to push the toymaker into sharing, but the best choice for your character depends on the characters you’re travelling with and whether they like you being nice or mean.
If you intimidate Arfur into sharing, Zenovia Dawg, the caravan guard, isn’t pleased you’ve roughed up her client. She either wants a bribe or a fight. However, it’s just 500 gold or an easy intimidation check to pass.

Whatever you choose, inside the mansion, upstairs is a locked door you can pick or smash down. But, on the bookcase is the toymaker’s basement key. In the room next to where Ben stands downstairs, pass a perception check and you find a hatch in the floor that’s opened by the key. It leads to a basement level full of traps.

On the other side of the basement there’s a heavily trapped and locked chest. Inside there’s a load of gold and a letter threatening Arfur that if he doesn’t place a package inside some teddy bears and drop it in a specific place, he’s done for.
Where to find the Suspicious Toys
Over on the east side of Rivington there’s a big warehouse guarded by Flaming Fists. This is where you’ll find the dangerous toys. You can either pass a persuasion check and have the guard let you in or sneak in stealthily.

In the northeast corner you find the tray of trapped teddy bears. You need to pass an investigation check to notice, then a hard disarm dex check to disarm them. You don’t actually have to disarm them though, just finding the explosives is enough. You’re then tasked with finding Arfur for him to explain himself.
Where to find Arfur Gregorio
You can catch up with the toymaker, Arfur Gregorio, in Sharess’ Caress, an alehouse and bordello found across the bridge on the other side of the Wyrm’s Rock Fortress, as the letter says.
You can get there either by getting arrested by the watch and breaking your way out, or sneaking across by jumping from the ledge near the post office onto the ledge with the ladder on the bridge.

In the taproom of Sharess’ Caress, you find the toymaker, Arfur Gregorio. Confront him about the bombs and he will try to bribe you, but you want the information on who’s put him up to it. You need to pass a tough intimidation check, so it’s worth using a strong character to talk to him, or someone with a lot of boosts.
He points you towards the fireworks shop and says to say Uncle Felogyr sent you. But the real prize he offers is a pass that grants access to the lower city without getting slung in jail by the steel watch. You can squeeze him for more if you wish, but it’s up to you.
Where to investigate the fireworks
Either way, to continue your investigation into the Suspicious toys, go to the marked building near Heapside Strand in the Lower City - this is the area past Wyrm’s Rock, beyond a scene transition.

Speak to Avery Sonshal on the shopfloor and ask after the toymaker. It becomes immediately obvious that he has a tadpole.
Recite Arfur’s password and you’ll be sent upstairs. Head through the reinforced door, and up to the second floor. Behind the desk you find Avery’s storage key, which you can take and no one seems to mind.
You’re barred from the top floor however, where a bomb-making plot is underway with Baalists allied with the Absolute stockpiling weapons. You can put a stop to it all by starting a fight, which isn’t too hard if you shoot a fireball at one of the smokepowder barrels and set off an explosion to take most of the top floor out instantly.

On Avery’s body, you get Counting House vault number 5 key as well as the cellar key.
Interestingly, relating to your other dealings, on the body of the bomb maker Tomboldt the Pallid you find some interesting information about the Iron Throne prison.
In the basement you find Avery’s stash and more fireworks - but your work here, and the gunpowder plot, is done.