BG3 How to complete the Wyrmway puzzle chambers
In Baldur's Gate 3, only the worthiest champion can prove themselves by completing the Wyrmway puzzles in the Chamber of Justice, Strategy, Insight and Courage!
Underneath the bustling city of Baldur’s Gate lies a sleeping dragon, waiting to be called upon to help in the climactic battle at the end of Baldur's Gate 3. But if you’re going to count the Wyrm amongst your growing roster of allies, then you will need to complete the cunning Wyrmway puzzles first.
After you’ve saved him from the Iron Throne prison, seeing the error of his ways, Duke Ulder Ravengard implores Wyll for forgiveness. He then asks your party to complete the important mission he was on before he was captured: finding a way to call upon the hidden protector of Baldur’s Gate.
See, there’s a wyrm beneath the city, a powerful guardian who can be called upon in times of great need, and you can raise him as an ally to your cause against the Absolute.
First, read the book Ravengard gives you, and you find that the Wyrm’s lair is underneath Wyrm’s Rock Fortress, the Wyrmway. Speak to Wyll and he’ll shed some more light on the legend, but Wyrm’s Rock prison is still your destination.
Where to find the Wyrmway
Travel to Wyrm’s Rock and, depending on what you’ve done so far, you may be attacked by Gortash’s guards. You can also only reach the fortress from the Lower City side if you’ve betrayed Gortash by disabling the Steel Watch by this point.
As you fight through the enthralled fists, you can toggle non-lethal if you wish, but remember to grab their keys - particularly the quartermaster, who has a key to a locked gate which hides a ton of great items.

Go down the stairs to the prison, then look at the quest marker on the western wall. There you find two dragon head torches on the wall.
You need a character who can cast Shocking Grasp or Lightning Bolt (Call Lightning doesn’t work), and use it on these two torches. You can use scrolls as well (the quartermaster upstairs has some in their stock if you’re short).
Follow the path around and go through the iron gate at the bottom. On the other side, consider the murals on your left, then interact with the statue. Pronounce your worth to the statue and they will open the door, speaking of a test laying in wait.
Press on through the door and you find a series of doors arranged around a central circle.
How to complete the Chamber of Courage
To the east you find the Chamber of Courage. Interact with the statue of Balduran and he will tell you to take the torch and withstand the elements. Agree and take up the torch. This will then set off a four turn survival round where you’re attacked by elementals.

Smash the attuned crystals and anyone caught in the surrounding area will be granted resistance to all elemental damage to help out. Remember, if you’re holding the torch, you can’t de-equip it, which includes shapeshifting, so watch out for that.
Otherwise, this is a relatively straightforward battle. Try focusing on one elemental at a time, otherwise they can stun or overwhelm you with annoying actions and powerful AoE.
How to complete the Chamber of Justice
To the west, interact with the statue and they ask you to restore the balance of Justice in each scenario.
Consider each painting around the Chamber of Justice. They tell the story of a red-haired man stealing an apple and giving it to needy children, before speaking with a woman marked with a tally of 9 and stealing an astrolabe of entrapment that could capture many Djinn. The man is then sentenced to the gallows. Examine the shrouded paintings and you can actually see a description of what they look like.

Next, turn your attention to the shadow judge and you can see that their unique condition, Shrouded Sentence is a curse. You have a few options on how to proceed. You can light up the darkness with magical light, banish or transform the Judge, or remove the curse with a spell or scroll. The spell “Remove Curse” is probably the most accessible option.

Then, pick up “the cell” as an appropriate punishment rather than hanging, then insert it into the waiting punishment slot to complete the task.
How to complete the Chamber of Insight
In the northwest, walk across the invisible walkway to find another trial. This is the Chamber of Insight.
Of the three ghosts at the end of the chamber, you need to work out who is the enemy of the city and holds values that are incompatible with leadership.

As you go around, catch the flying books and read them. From the content, you can discern that Sutelo wants to murder their enemies even after they’ve been defeated. This means that they are the ghost you have to defeat.
Whack them with any weapon or offensive spell and the puzzle is considered solved.
How to complete the Chamber of Strategy
In the northeast, down the stairs, you find the Chamber of Strategy. Smash through the crystals, then consider the chess board in front of you. Speak to the statue and you find you have to capture the dark king in just two moves.
Unfortunately, this puzzle isn’t the same for everyone and will actually require you to work out the solution for yourself. But thankfully there are two ways to cheese it.

If you’re travelling with Gale, he is a dab hand at chess and gives you the solution. This means you can pop back to camp, add him to your party, then return for an easy answer if you’re totally stuck. Otherwise, the Black King is vulnerable to lightning damage, so you can just blow it up.
In my game, I moved my queen to take the pawn on the other side of the board, then to take the pawn in front of the king - the king can’t take the queen because it’s still checked by the bishop.
How to complete Wyrmway
Now that all four tasks are complete, go through the double iron doors and into the Dragon’s Sanctum. Speak to the final statue of Baluran, and they commend you on your cunning and wisdom. Walk through the door that opens and interact with what you find there.
In the conversation, The Emperor is revealed to be none other than the legendary hero Balduran. He apparently killed the Wyrm Ansur in an altercation as Balduran was first becoming Illithid and the undead dragon now rises from the dead to strike you all down.
A tough fight ensues, which starts with Water Myrmidons spamming you with powerful spells. If you can weather the storm, focus your power on Ansur. Be careful moving around him, because it’s very easy to provoke an attack of opportunity.
By this point in the game however, you have likely amassed a suite of overpowered weapons with unique attacks and other powerful spells which you can call on. We’re talking about Lae’zel’s Silver Sword Soulbreaker attack, the Blood of Lathander’s Sunbeam, and any other cheese you’ve got in your back pocket.
When they’re defeated, you can take a touching note alongside a legendary weapon, Balduran’s Giantslayer, which gives you ridiculous boosts like a double your strength modifier damage bonus, advantage against big enemies and a unique attack and ability.

Speak to Wyll and he tells you to return to Ravengard to tell him what happened. But before you do, search the rest of the area and claim the legendary helm of Balduran from the altar behind Ansur.
You also get the chance to dig into The Emperor’s past as Balduran, and find out that Ansur saved The Emperor from the Elder Brain in the first place. But as Balduran refused to resist the Illithid transformation, Ansur tried to kill him and so he struck him down first.
Leave the sanctum through the iron doors and you find yourself back in Wyrm’s Rock prison, ready to face Gortash.
Return to Ravengard and despite the Dragon’s death, he hails you as champions of Baldur’s Gate for slaying the beast. Swelling with pride for his son, he shares that he intends to recommend Wyll as the next Grand Duke of Baldur’s Gate. You can then try to persuade or dissuade Wyll from one path or the other. Or you can let him decide.
If you ask his opinion, depending on your choices so far, he refuses. If he is in the pact with Mizora, then he dubs himself the Blade of Avernus, pledging to protect Faerun from devils and demons. This then completes the Blade of the Frontiers companion quest!