All Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree Painting Solutions
Here’s where you’ll find all three paintings and their painters in Shadow of the Erdtree.
Elden Ring’s Shadow of the Erdtree expansion has even more paintings for you to find, and that means tracking down the painters who produced them for some sweet rewards. Fortunately, there’s only three to worry about locating in the DLC, and their rewards are well worth the time spent seeking them out, especially if you like dragons.
To give you a helping hand tracking down these artists and their works, we’ve explained all painting locations and solutions in this Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree guide.
All Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree Painting Solutions
There are three paintings in total to find and solve in Elden Ring’s Shadow of the Erdtree expansion: The Sacred Tower, Incursion, and Domain of Dragons. These can all be found quite early on in your journey, though you might not reach one or two of the solutions until later in the game.
As a result, be wary of late-game spoilers ahead - especially when it comes to the first painting solution, The Sacred Tower.
Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree ‘The Sacred Tower’ painting solution
The Sacred Tower painting is found in a small cave in Gravesite Plain. From the Scorched Ruins Site of Grace, head directly northeast towards the cliffside. You’ll soon see the cave containing the painting.

The solution to this painting is found in Scadu Altus, though this spectral painter doesn’t appear in this spot until certain story-beats have occurred. If you head to the below location and can’t find the artist behind The Sacred Tower, try returning there later on after you’ve unlocked the area that is Enir-Ilim; this is likely the final area in the DLC that you’ll unlock.
After clearing Castle Ensis or skipping it altogether, you want to go east of the Highroad Cross to pay a visit to Moorth Ruins. Speak with Dryleaf Dane here if you haven’t already, and head to the small pool north of the ruins, where you’ll find a cave.
Advance through the cave and keep left. You will eventually come to Rauh Base. Continue ahead, past the golems and towards Temple Town Ruins. Keep left, and you’ll run into a Sealed Spiritspring.
Fortunately, the solution is up the nearby rocks; attack the small stack of rocks and return to - and use - the now unsealed Spiritspring. Take the second Spiritspring after this, too! You’ll now be in the small patch of land where the Northern Nameless Mausoleum is located.

Now, head south (you should see Enir-Ilim on the horizon) and explore along the cliff-edge here. The painter can be found gazing at the spiral tower. He will quickly disappear, leaving behind the Spiraltree Seal.
Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree ‘Incursion’ painting solution
The second painting, Incursion, is also found in Gravesite Plain. And surprise, surprise, it is found at the Artist’s Shack in the area. This is just behind the first Site of Grace we get in the Realm of Shadow, but to actually reach it, you’ll want to head to Main Gate Cross in front of Belarut Tower Settlement.
From the Main Gate Cross, go down the stairs and before heading through the archway (which takes you to Three Path Cross, where Freyja and the Hornsent are), clamber up the rocks to the southeast.
Follow the path past the dogs and bats, and you’ll eventually come to the Cliffroad Terminus Site of Grace with Prospect Town just up ahead. If you continue to travel south past Prospect Town, you’ll eventually run into the Artist’s Shack.

Now, the solution for the Incursion painting can fortunately be found right away.
Follow the path north of Scorched Ruins and you’ll eventually come to a large pool with a Ghostflame Dragon in it. Head west of the pool, and you’ll soon see a bridge. Continue heading southwest now, where you will see a ruined archway and coffin.
The painter can be found sitting on a slightly elevated patch of land that is directly north of the archway here. He’ll quickly disappear when found, leaving the Serpent Crest Shield behind.

Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree ‘Domain of Dragons’ painting solution
Last, but not least, we have the Domain of Dragons painting. This one is found beneath Shadow Keep after taking the ladder in the main plaza - where the burning boats are - down to a secret area that ultimately leads to the Castle Watering Hole. The painting is along the way and hard to miss.

The Domain of Dragons painting depicts an area in Jagged Peak, which is the southeast region of the map. You’ll need to make your way through the Dragon’s Pit, and from Dragon’s Pit Terminus, continue northeast up Jagged Peak until you come to the Foot of Jagged Peak Site of Grace.
Now, we recommend continuing to follow the linear path here and scale Jagged Peak, but you will run into two dragons fighting it out along the way. I recommend killing the Jagged Peak Drake here to kick off Igon’s quest while you’re here.
Keep on, and you’ll soon come to Ancient Dragon Senessax. If you kill him, you’ll get your hands on an Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone and Somber Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone. If you’re simply here to solve the Domain of Dragons painting and that’s it, you can run right past him and continue up the mountain to reach the Jagged Peak Mountainside Site of Grace.
Continue up the mountain and go up the upcoming Spiritspring. Continue along the path southwest, where you’ll soon come to a large rock that is sticking out to the right.

Jump off it onto the below rocks and the painter should appear in front of you. Once he fades away, he will leave the Rock Heart behind, allowing you to turn into an ancient dragon once you take all your kit off.
For more on Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree, be sure to pay a visit to the Hinterlands if you haven’t already, and make sure you’ve been to visit the Horsent Grandam a few times. Additionally, here’s our guide to some of the best new Sorceries and Incantations to use.