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Fallout: London Westminster University Trivia Answers

Trying your hand at being a codebreaker at Westminster University? Here’s how to hack the terminals and decipher the Master Password in Fallout: London.

The player looks at a terminal in Westminster University in Fallout 4 mod, Fallout London
Image credit: VG247/Bethesda/Team FOLON

As you finally reach the borough of Westminster in Fallout: London, you’ll find that life there is a little more pleasant than it is across the rest of the city. There are no ghastly mutations around each and every corner, nor are there any hostile factions trying to kill you. Though, there are plenty of posh toffs that’ll comment on how you stink. The folk at Westminster University, however, are quite nice.

When you first enter Westminster University, you’ll be warmly greeted by Professor Butterfield who needs your help cracking the mysterious code that has appeared on the university's terminals. Sounds like a job for the Wayfarer, so let’s crack on: here’s all the Westminster University trivia answers and how to decipher the Master Password in Fallout: London.

Fallout: London Westminster University Trivia Answers

First things first, you can kick off this unnamed quest by approaching Westminster University in Fallout: London. As you do, you’ll be prompted to investigate the area, which means head on inside the building!

The location of Westminster University is marked on the map in Fallout 4 mod, Fallout London
Westminster University is found north of the borough of Westminster. | Image credit: VG247/Bethesda/Team FOLON

Upon entering, you will be greeted by Professor Butterfield. He’ll share that a mysterious code keeps appearing on the university’s terminals, and he needs some help cracking it so that everyone can get back to work again.

The player speaks with Professor Butterfield in the foyer of Westminster University in Fallout 4 mod, Fallout London
Tell the Professor you will help him crack the code. | Image credit: VG247/Bethesda/Team FOLON

Agree to help him with cracking the code, and your objective will then change to ‘decipher the mysterious code’. Next, head into the Research area behind the Professor and start interacting with the terminals.

The player looks at a terminal in Westminster University in Fallout 4 mod, Fallout London
Interact with the terminals one by one. Only one of them at a time is available to interact with. | Image credit: VG247/Bethesda/Team FOLON

They will all be locked apart from one, so attempt to interact with all of them until you find the accessible terminal. Upon interacting with it, you will be presented with a trivia question about London to answer. If you answer it correctly, another terminal in the room will then become available, which will present another question.

You then need to go around every terminal in the room, one by one, answering each question presented to you correctly. The order in which you interact with the terminals is quite random, and if you get one question wrong, you’ll need to start the whole task again.

To help you out, here’s the order in which I interacted with the terminals, and what their respective answers were:

  • Bombe 1: Apocalypse
  • Bombe 4: Nelson
  • Bombe 7: Metropolitan
  • Bombe 3: England
  • Bombe 2: Gentleman
  • Bombe 6: The Shard
  • Bombe 8: Yew
  • Bombe 10: Hampton Court
  • Bombe 9: Tower of London
  • Bombe 5: Trafalgar

After successfully decoding all ten terminals, return to Professor Butterfield in the lobby and let him know. He’ll then tell you to enter the password in the security terminal. This is the standalone terminal at the back of the Research room, beside the large door.

The player looks at the master security terminal in Westminster University in Fallout 4 mod, Fallout London
Input the password at this terminal and unlock the door beside it. | Image credit: VG247/Bethesda/Team FOLON

Interact with the security terminal and input the password: your previous answers will be presented. If you look at how they’re arranged, they will spell ‘Agent Smythe’ as an acrostic. Anyways, you can then use the terminal to unlock the door.

The player looks at Agent Smythe's terminal in Westminster University in Fallout 4 mod, Fallout London
Read the letter via Smythe’s Terminal and kill the incoming robots. | Image credit: VG247/Bethesda/Team FOLON

Go through the door to find Smythe’s Terminal and interact with it. After reading the letter from them, robots will spawn that you then need to kill.

After dealing with the security breach, return to Professor Butterfield once more and let him know that his security issue has been solved. He’ll give you 100 Tickets for the trouble, and you can now return to exploring the rest of Westminster.

Speaking of Westminster, have you collected all four signatures to gain entry to the Palace yet? If you have, or are putting it off, be sure to check out all of the Companions you can recruit in Fallout: London, and all of the different Perks you can acquire.

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