All Sword of Convallaria Curious Beryl Answers
Need to brush up on your Sword of Convallaria general knowledge? Here’s all of the answers for the Curious Beryl event.
UPDATE: We have updated this page with new questions and answers from throughout the Curious Beryl event in Swords of Convallaria.
The latest event to grant Voyagers some free Hope Luxite in Sword of Convallaria is Curious Beryl and her multiple-choice quiz. This event sees the most powerful Luxite Sorceress in the land grilling your party about Sword of Convallaria’s story and mechanics. But more specifically, she quizzes you on both tricky combat conditions and the backstories of some of the key characters you've met so far, including herself, of course.
The phrasing of Beryl's questions can be confusing - particularly if you haven't unlocked some of the characters referenced in some of the answers. So if, for whatever reason, these questions have you stumped but you dare not miss out on any free currency, don’t fret. In the guide below, we’ve detailed all of the Curious Beryl answers we've seen so far in Sword of Convallaria.
- Sword of Convallaria Curious Beryl Answers - Day 1
- Sword of Convallaria Curious Beryl Answers - Day 2
- Sword of Convallaria Curious Beryl Answers - Day 3
- Sword of Convallaria Curious Beryl Answers - Day 4
- Sword of Convallaria Curious Beryl Answers - Day 5
- Sword of Convallaria Curious Beryl Answers - Day 6
Sword of Convallaria Curious Beryl Answers - Day 1
When you begin the Curious Beryl event in Sword of Convallaria, you’ll be prompted to answer three questions about the game’s story in a random order.

Your reward, 60 Hope Luxite, will only be given to you if you get all five of them correct however. To help you out, here are the right answers.
- Which of the following descriptions of "terrain" effects is correct? Burning terrain reduces a character's movement.
- In Spiral of Destinies, why is Beryl called "the Sorceress"? Beryl found herself hunted by the Papal States and labeled as a heretic.
- An attack is coming from a Defender, which of the following is the best tactic? Select a "Breaker" to join the battle.
- In Chapter 1 of the Fool's Journey, why did Faycal become an archer? To guard his friends from the back.
- Which of the following can be produced by the Forge? A legendary weapon.
After successfully answering all five questions correctly, you will receive your reward via your in-game Mailbox.
Sword of Convallaria Curious Beryl Answers - Day 2
The answers for Day 2 of Sword of Convallaria's Curious Beryl event are as follows:
- Which one is the best choice to meet the enemy with higher P.DEF? Attack them with a character with high M.ATK.
- In Chapter Two of A Fool's Journey, why does Lufti decide to break with Dantalion? Because he believes that the dictator cannot save Iria, and they have serious political differences.
- Which of the following descriptions of a character's HP state is correct? HP below 70% is the Injured state, and DMG will be less than that of the Healthy state.
- In the Spiral of Destinies, what is the name of the mercenary group that Maitha is in? Sword of Convallaria Mercenary Group.
- Which of the following descriptions of the tavern in the Spiral of Destinies is correct? When the Mercenary Group Rank is raised, mercenaries with higher levels will appear in the tavern.
Sword of Convallaria Curious Beryl Answers - Day 3
The answers for Day 3 of Sword of Convallaria's Curious Beryl event are as follows:
- In Spiral of Destinies, why does Rawiyah yield her place to you? Because after fighting together, she confirms your ability and belief, and she needs to complete other missions.
- In Chapter Three of A Fool's Journey, what is the content of NonoWill's monologue at the end? An Iria nursery rhyme representing her growth.
- Which of the following descriptions of "Dodge", a buff effect, is correct? When a character gains the buff effect, they can dodge single-target DMG.
- Which of the following descriptions of the consequence is correct, if quests relating to stability maintenance are uncompleted in the Spiral of Destinies? The stability will decrease, which eventually leads to a catastrophic crisis.
- Which of the following descriptions of the Tarot Whisper is correct? The Final Entry will be unlocked when the Tarot Whisper is upgraded to Level 50.
Sword of Convallaria Curious Beryl Answers - Day 4
The answers for Day 4 of Sword of Convallaria's Curious Beryl event are as follows:
- In the Spiral of Destinies, which of the following is not part of Samantha's work? In the dark church at night, play a musical instrument alone to express her emotions.
- When Gloria complains to you about frequent energy shortages in battle, which of the following decisions does not make sense? Let her cheer for others in battle on the side with her flag.
- In Chapter Four of A Fool's Journey, what does Beryl name her tarot monster pet? Zerel.
- Which of the following descriptions of Clash is incorrect? Only by killing all enemies can the battle be ended.
- In the Spiral of Destinies, which of the following actions will raise the Mercenary Group Rank? Select more difficult quests and pass the rank mission.
Sword of Convallaria Curious Beryl Answers - Day 5
The answers for Day 5 of Sword of Convallaria's Curious Beryl event are as follows:
- When Maitha inflicts Leg Smash on an enemy on frosty terrain, whcih of the following results makes more sense? After the enemy is knocked back to the edge of the ice, he will be knocked back by two tiles additionally.
- Which of the following descriptions of the Tower of Conquest is incorrect? You will not be able to participate again after a failed challenge.
- In Chapter Five of A Fool's Journey, why does Samantha volunteer to become a judge? Because she realises that in order to let the light shine, she needs to dive into the darkness first.
- In the Spiral of Destinies, Sword of Convallaria rescues a young rich merchant from robbers. Who is it? Iria: Concerned Second Prince, Lutfi.
- Which of the following descriptions of triggering assisting cover (refers to taking damage in place of an ally when attacked) is correct? When in range of two characters' assisting cover, the one with faster SPD will be given priority.
Sword of Convallaria Curious Beryl Answers - Day 6
The answers for Day 6 of Sword of Convallaria's Curious Beryl event are as follows:
- In the Spiral of Destinies, why is Inanna dislked by the townspeople? Because she is not familiar with farm work and often helps out with good intentions.
- In Chapter Six of A Fool's Journey, who does Miguel find at the roadside after he finally succeeds in his revenge? A weak girl.
- When Dantalion suggests building a lineup with him as the core, which of the following strategies could be achieved? Select characters from Iria to get ATK bonus from Leader's Aura.
- Which of the following descriptions of stamina in the Spiral of Destinies is correct? When a character is slain in battle, more stamina will be deducted.
- Which of the following descriptions of the Talent System is incorrect? The way to upgrade Talent Rank is to use tactical commands in battle.
How to take part in the Curious Beryl event in Sword of Convallaria
To take part in Curious Beryl’s quiz in Sword of Convallaria, select the Event icon (that resembles a trumpet) on the bottom of your screen. You will then be able to select ‘Curious Beryl’ from the list of events on the left of the screen.
Then, all you need to do is select ‘Go now’ to be taken to your quiz with Beryl.
The quiz looks to reset everyday, so we’ll update this page with more answers as the event continues!
For more on Sword of Convallaria, take a look at our character tier list, and our Sword of Convallaria codes.