Sword of Convallaria Gloria build guide
Only the best build for Sword of Convallaria's best character.
The best Sword of Convallaria Gloria build turns an already exceptional character into an absolute powerhouse. Gloria, top on our list of the best Sword of Convallaria characters, technically falls under the Watcher category as a support unit, but she functions more like a tank and can even handle enemies on her own as well. Almost all of her skills are useful in a variety of situations, so she’s one of the trickier characters to build.
Our Sword of Convallaria Gloria build lays out Gloria’s best skills and weapons, along with the Trinkets that help her shine. If you're looking for a more defensive unit who's easier to get, don't ignore Maitha - or our Maitha build guide, for that matter.
Sword of Convallaria Gloria build
Sword of Convallaria Gloria skills
Gloria’s passive influences which skills work best as you level her up. It increases her attack and creates a Flag Waving Aura, which increases the attack and defense of nearby allies by 12 percent. When the aura fades under certain conditions, Gloria gets the Potential Burst status, which increases attack by 20 percent and defense by 40 percent.
Gloria is one of the most investment-heavy characters in Sword of Convallaria so far, but since she’s a unit who will likely carry you for the foreseeable future, it’s worth spending materials on her when it counts.
Gloria Rank 1 skill: Knightly Spirit
- Gloria gets a 20 percent attack buff when attacking enemies from the front and a 40 percent defense buff when attacked from the front. That’s quite the set of boons, and since it’s a passive skill, you won’t need any energy
Gloria Rank 3 skill: Lance of Longinus and Longinus Brilliance
- Gloria’s third rank is a rare instance where it’s worth spending the materials to get both skills, though Lance of Longinus is the most important for her overall utility. Lance of Longinus sees Gloria hurl her spear and deal damage to enemies within two tiles of the target spot, equal to 80 percent of her attack. She gets a flag, which increases all allies’ attack and dense for a few turns, and loses Flag Waving Aura, and if she uses the skill without Flag Waving Aura, it reactivates the movement buff from her trait. Several of Gloria’s attacks have different forms without Flag Waving Aura, so it’s worth keeping this one on hand for more than just getting her Potential Burst buff.
- Longnius Brilliance restores one NRG and gives nearby allies an attack and damage reduction buff for a few turns. If Gloria has no Flag Waving Aura, the skill turns into Sword – Full Moon, which deals 90 percent of her attack as AoE damage, deals 30 percent more if enemies are injured, reduces incoming damage for Gloria. It’s an excellent skill in both forms, but you need Lance of Longinus to get the most out of it.
Gloria Rank 5 skill: Counterattack
- Front Defense is more of an emergency measure in very specific circumstances, so Counterattack is the better choice for this rank. When an enemy attacks from the front or side, Gloria responds with a counter that equals 70 percent of her basic attack damage. It only activates once per round, but it’s still a good way to soften nearby enemies.

Gloria Rank 7 skill: Counterattack Mode and Vow of Justice
- Gloria’s leader aura only works with allies from her faction, but it certainly works. For every Union ally, attack goes up by 10 percent and defense by 20 percent. Struck Back damage decreases by 24 percent, and active attack damage gets a 12 percent buff. It’s just good.
- Counterattack Mode, on the other hand, makes Gloria’s counters stronger. Her counters are 50 percent stronger, and she gets a physical and magic defense buff equal to 20 percent of her physical attack. Her counters also reach two tiles further for two turns, a useful boost if you’re dealing with ranged enemies. Both are excellent options, though Counterattack Mode does have the advantage of working without specific team compositions.
Gloria Rank 9 skill: Lance of Justice
- Lance of Justice replaces Gloria’s basic attack and hits enemies within one tile of her with damage equal to 70 percent of her attack. If Flag Waving Aura isn’t active, Gloria uses Sword of Justice instead, a single-target attack that hits enemies for 100 percent of her attack. That scaling goes up to 130 percent if Gloria attacks from the front.
Gloria Rank 11 skill: Fair Duel
- Choosing between Gloria’s final skills is tough, since both are excellent, but Fair Duel has a few advantages over Knight’s Glory, including the fact that it doesn’t rely on an enemy’s affiliation for half of its utility. Fair Duel is a single-target attack that hits an enemy for 180 percent of Gloria’s attack, dispells all debuffs on Gloria, and removes all buffs on the target. It’s a superb way to keep Gloria hale and hearty without a healer getting involves, while whittling down tough foes at the same time
Sword of Convallaria Gloria weapons
Sword of Convalliara has a small selection of spears to choose from outside the heavy hitters, but at higher rarity levels, you’re certainly not lacking options.

- Dual-Headed Halberd: The halberd is one of Gloria’s best options thanks to how it buffs her AoE skills – which is most of them. It increases the user’s physical attack by five percent and grants an additional three percent damage buff for every enemy the user hits with their attack, up to a total of nine percent.
- Skeleton Spear: If you find you use Gloria’s single-target attacks more, though, then the Skeleton Spear is a solid choice. It raises the equipping character’s physical attack by two percent and deal an additional 10 percent piercing damage to a target before the user casts a single-target skill.
- Pendant Halberd: This one has some useful passive effects. Before the equipping character takes a single-target attack, they get a 10 percent attack and defense buff. That meshes well with Gloria’s counter strikes and helps take the edge off her incoming damage.
- Guardian Spear: Guardian Spear is a solid starter weapon, even if it is a bit basic. It just gives the equipping character four percent more HP, which is simple, but still helpful for Gloria when she’s tanking.
Sword of Convallaria Gloria Trinkets
Gloria is a couple of Trinkets that suit her kit well, depending on the role you want her to play. For an offensive-focused Gloria, consider Flying Blade Armguard. It gives the equipping character an instant cast skill – one they can use whenever, without taking up their action for the turn – that deals piercing damage equal to 12 percent of the enemy’s HP. Better still, you can use it twice in battle, and the cooldown is only three turns.
If you’re having trouble keeping Gloria’s HP up, you may want to try Coexist Armor instead. It usually works best for defender roles, but seeing as Gloria fluctuates between offense, support, and tanking anyway, the five percent incoming damage reduction is helpful.

Finally, if you choose Knight’s Glory instead of Fair Duel, you may want to try the Breeze Herb Compound Condensed Pill. It’s another instant skill Trinket, and it heals the character for 20 percent of their HP and dispels a debuff.
Sword of Convallaria Gloria Tarot Whispers
Dream of the Magician is one of Gloria’s best choices, as it gives the wearer a flat eight percent damage buff and increases damage dealt by an additional four percent when the user’s skill hits more than one enemy. That buff stacks three times for a total of 12 percent.
A Gloria who takes the lead and defeats enemies herself should have Temptation of the Devil. When the wearer defeats an enemy, they get a stack of Devil, which lasts for the whole battle and can’t be removed. Each stack raises the user’s attack and defense by three percent for a max total of 30 percent.
For a more defensive option, you could run Desire for Temperance, which grants the user a physical shield equal to 25 percent of their physical and magical attack, and the shield cannot be dispelled.
If you’re after more help, check out our Sword of Convallaria tier list and up-to-date Sword of Convallaria codes list for some freebies.